Tuesday, February 21, 2012

I Have No Idea

I have absolutely no idea on what to post about. My life is quite boring, as it currently consists of school, chores, drama rehearsals, and tiny snatches of reading. My mom brought home a large stack of books I had put on hold at the library and she told my sister that she's not sure how I'll make it through college with all the time I spend reading.
However, she is not aware that I am hardly reading anything due to my school load, although I am making an effort to read.
I began Great Expectations by Charles Dickens yesterday (it's my current British Literature book) and I'm enjoying it. We were all scared to begin it, as all of my classmates excepting one read A Tale of Two Cities in World History last year and we could not stand it. I'm not sure why I'm liking this one, except perhaps it's because it's written in first person. We shall see if my feelings remain the same throughout the book. ;)

Performances of Cinderella/my birthday are in exactly eleven days. Eleven days. Eleven days until I leave behind the mostly-horrid-but-blessed year of being sixteen. I'm very much looking forward to being seventeen and having a fresh start. I will be writing a post on my past year and what I'm looking forward to in my seventeenth year (including a 17-Before-17 list, IF I can think of anything).

So, comment and let me know what you want me to post on; I can do almost anything. As you can see, I'm desperate. Hehe.


  1. I loved Great Expectations!!! The ending, I won't spill spoilers, but I cried myself silly. Make sure to give us your opinions on it once you are done!

  2. I can't wait to see pictures from Cinderella!
